The Sponsor Committee focuses on growing team sponsors to help financially support our organization. Funding goes towards overall program costs, and also helps funds scholarships for athletes unable to afford program fees, equipment, or uniforms.
If you are interested in sponsorship, please reach out to us at youngthunderbirds@yahoo.com.

The Fundraising Committee helps organize fun and engaging events to raise funds that help cover program costs such as periodically upgrading and replacing practice equipment. Events can include meal nights at local restaurants, item sales, and/or events dedicated to raising funds.
Committee Chair: Mark mdeisenbarth@yahoo.com

The Coaching Committee helps ensure the quality of coaching for players in the Young Thunderbirds program. This can include recruiting new coaches, providing education opportunities to new coaches, and ensuring all coaches are certified through USA Football. No prior coaching experience is required, but volunteers must have a willingness to learn, ability to receive constructive feedback, and desire to increase their football knowledge to better serve our players.
Committee Chair: Matt mdunkin@tps501.org

The Game Day Committee ensures our facilities are ready to go during all Home Game Day for our tackle program; typically, the tackle program hosts at least four home game days each season. Efforts for these game days include setting up the field, clean up, manning the scoreboard, and other various duties.
Committee Chair: Alex Osborne

The Concessions Committee is responsible for planning and hosting the concession stand for home games each fall. Funds raised from the concession stand help fund our End of Season Celebration, equipment purchases, and other items for the tackle program.
Committee Chair: Kristy jk4ku@swbell.net

The Social Media Committee helps with parent communication, primarily through the running the Young Thunderbirds Facebook page. This can include posting game day and practice pictures, sending out information, and responding to messages.
Committee Chair: Kasey Kasandra_griffith@yahoo.com
The Young Thunderbirds Football program is overseen by a dedicated group of members. The Operating Committee consists of seven members which lead several sub-committees. Volunteers are ALWAYS needed and welcome! Operating Committee Meetings are open to any interested party. The seven members of the Operating Committee are the only voting members, but comments and conversation on issues is welcomed prior to votes. Meetings are held once per month, typically at Thunderbirds Grill.